Sunday, March 30, 2008

HI to blogspot
BYE to multiply

this bloqskin is makinq me headache.. but,with some help from royston~
now much more better.. hahas ;x thanks cousin ;)

as for mine~ IE & mozilla firefox can view; some of my frens told me my bloq overlaps =/ i tink prolly due to e version of IE & firefox? or mebe shd i chanqe another skin? urghhs; i'm so lazy to do so ._.

(pictures in his hse)
thanks darlinq; for going down to get food for me; even u're so tired after work.
so sweet of u <3>

his little bro is so cute~ hahs; trying to get away from my camara.. but; too late ;x i took a pic of him.. lmao! 3days more to darlinq salary ;D 2 days more to our 9mths anniversary<3